General part
1.1. The Lithuanian Society of Coloproctologists (hereinafter referred to as the LCS) is a voluntary public organization, uniting the Lithuanian citizens physicians - coloproctologists and specialists of other professions, working in the field of coloproctology science and practice.
1.2. The LCS in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Public Organisations of the Republic of Lithuania, the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, other laws and legal standard acts, and the present Articles of Association.
1.3. The LCS is a legal person, has its own seal, symbolics, a settlement and currency account with the banks registered in the Republic of Lithuania, may have one currency account with any selected foreign states. It shall be liable for its obligations only to the extent of its assets.
1.4. The LCS was established on 28. 11. 1991. The official location is in Vilnius, in the Vilnius Centre Clinical Hospital, Vilnius.