Expiry of LCS activity

6. Expiry of the LCS Activity
6.1. The LCS activity may be terminated by a decision of the 2/3 vote of the Congress members or by a decision of the state institution foreseen by the Laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
6.2. The liquidation procedure shall be foreseen by the liquidation commission elected at the Congress.
6.3. Assets and funds, which remained after the LCS liquidation, shall be used in the procedure prescribed by the law.
A new edition of the Articles of Association of the Lithuanian Society of Coloproctologists was adopted at the Congress of the IV Lithuanian Society of Coloproctologists, held in Klaipėda on May 10, 2002.
The LCS President Narimantas Samalavičius                            /signature/
The LCS Secretary Algimantas Tamelis                                    /signature/